フィレンツェ1221エディション - オーデコロン


通常価格 ¥22,000
セール価格 ¥22,000

オーデコロン パチューリで、パチュリが生い茂るエキゾチックな土地の香りを発見してください。このフレグランスは、東洋の奥深さと神秘を呼び起こす、アロマティックでウッディな香りのブーケを表現しています。



アロマティック ウッディ オリエンタル

トップノート: ベルガモット, ゼラニウム

ハートノート: パチュリ, ジャスミン

ベースノート: パチュリ, サンダルウッド, ムスク




通常価格 ¥22,000
セール価格 ¥22,000

アロマティック ウッディ オリエンタル




ベルガモット, ゼラニウム


パチュリ, ジャスミン


パチュリ, サンダルウッド, ムスク


変性アルコール、香料、水 ※配合成分は更新される場合があります。最新の情報はパッケージに記載されている内容をご確認ください。

Customer Reviews

Based on 23 reviews
C. Unger
I like it.

I've been looking high and low for a patchouli fragrance that compares with the (now sadly discontinued) Patchouli Absolu. I was seeking a patchouli-dominant fragrance. I detest loud floral scents, and I did not want something that was gourmand. I was hunting for a loud, pure (or at least as close as you can get) patchouli scent with richness and depth. I don't agree with the review that this fragrance is chemical; I would concede that the opening notes are a bit astringent, the dry down is smooth patchouli. My only complaint is that it's a eau de cologne rather than an eau de parfum; I would happy pay more for something with greater longevity. But - having said that, I will be back to purchase this again (the patchouli soap is also marvelous).


I was very disappointed in this choice. It has an overwhelming chemical odor and smells so artificial. Nothing like any patchouli at all. But I do love so many other st novella products.

Katrina Fujczak
The perfect magical Patchouli of my dreams

I just recieved my bottle of Patchouli and it’s been the Patchouli I’ve been searching for 30 years .. I’ll be buying back up bottles as soon as I’m almost finished this one ❤️

Mixed feelings

I have been using this Patchouli for many years as it was top of the top patchouli's. I always use the big bottle. In 2023 SMN introduced a new bottle and in my opinion it was a bad decision. The old bottles were more elegant, whereas the new ones have stickers which fade and get destroyed very easily. A plus is the new atomizer as the old ones sometimes leaked. However, the old ones sprayed more liquid in one push - I used to buy a bottle once per 3 months and now I do it once every 6 months. This is probably not too good for the SMN so why have they done it? And last but not least - once the bollte changed, I beleive the smell also changed - in my opinion it is not the same fragrance as it used to be, or at least I feel a difference. Maybe there were some legal regulations which imposed changes in content of these perfumes or else it was a poor business decision. Nevertheless it is still very long lasting. All in all I still use this fragrance and I like it very much!

Gisele BACO
Est-ce le même patchouli ?

J'achète ce patchouli depuis des années en provenance de l'officine Santa Maria Novella. Cette fois ci j'ai commandé le petit flacon de 50ml pour le glisser dans mon sac.
Je constate cependant avec surprise que le parfum qui se dégage du flacon n'est pas le même que celui auquel je suis habituée. C'est à dire celui du flacon de 100ml.
D'où mon interrogation est ce le même ???